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Program Fees

Fees include the family fee plus the appropriate student enrollment fee per student.


EXAMPLE (Breakdown of Fees for 1 Student):
  • 1 Kinder – 8th-grade student TOTAL is: $90

  • 1 9th-11th grade student TOTAL is: $145

  • 1 Senior TOTAL is: $195​


These figures are the total yearly enrollment fees for a family with a single student.




When you add an additional student, the overall fee for that student after the sibling discount will be either $48, $67 or $90 depending on the grade of the additional child you add.


Enrollment fees cover basic administrative processing and services including centralized record keeping, Farm High School diploma or certificate of attendance, ID cards, transcripts, Tennessee driver’s license proof of attendance, and progress letter upon request.

Early Discount for 24/25 School Year
From Opening Spring 2024 to June 15, 2024:


$25.00 Annual Family Registration


$55.00 Annual Student Enrollment for Grades K-8

$105.00 Annual Student Enrollment for Grades 9-12

$50.00 Senior Fee

$67.00 8th grade earning 2 high school credits


20% discount for siblings (does not include oldest child)

  • K-8: $44.00

  • 9-12 $84.00

Standard Fees for 24/25 School Year
From June 15, 2024 – March 2025:


$30.00 Annual Family Registration


$60.00 Annual Student Enrollment for Grades K-8

$115.00 Annual Student Enrollment for Grades 9-12

$50.00 Senior Fee

$75.00 8th grade earning 2 high school credits


20% discount for siblings (does not include oldest child)

  • K-8: $48.00

  • 9-12: $90.00

Additional fees & services that MAY apply to you:


  • High School transcripts beyond 3 per student per year; fee is $10/each additional copy

  • Proof of attendance and progress letters beyond 2 in one school year per student; fee is $10/each additional copy

  • Additional fees may apply in special cases for services such as curriculum consultation, assessment review, and portfolio planning and review


Please read our policies before beginning the enrollment registration process with us!

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