Program Fees
Fees include the family fee plus the appropriate student enrollment fee for each student.
Example Fees for 1 Student:
1 Kinder – 8th-grade student TOTAL is: $90
1 9th-11th grade student TOTAL is: $145
1 Senior TOTAL is: $210​
These figures are the total yearly enrollment fees for a family with a single student.
When you add an additional student, the overall fee for that student after the sibling discount will be either $48, $67 or $90 depending on the grade of the additional child you add.
Enrollment fees cover basic administrative services, including centralized record keeping and the issuing the following documents: work permits, proof of attendance/DMV letters, transcripts, and when all is said and done, a Farm High School diploma or certificate of completion.
Early Discount for 25/26 School Year
Mar 15, 2025 - June 15, 2025
$25.00 Annual Family Registration​​​
$55.00 Annual Student Enrollment for Grades K-8
$67.00 8th w/Credit up to 2 high school credits
$105.00 Annual Student Enrollment for Grades 9-12
$65.00 Senior Fee​​
20% Sibling Discount after eldest child
$48.00 K-8
$90.00 9-12
Standard Fees for 25/26 School Year
June 15, 2025 – Mar 15, 2026
$30.00 Annual Family Registration​
$60.00 Annual Student Enrollment for Grades K-8
$75.00 8th w/Credit up to 2 high school credits
$115.00 Annual Student Enrollment for Grades 9-12
$65.00 Senior Fee​
20% Sibling Discount after eldest child
$48.00 K-8
$90.00 9-12
Additional fees & services that MAY apply to you:
$10 High School Transcripts (hard copy) beyond 3 per year
$10 Work Permits or Proof of Attendance/DMV Letters beyond 2 per year
$10 Diploma replacement
$10 Re-Enrollment within a school year
Additional fees may apply in special cases for services such as curriculum consultation, assessment review, and portfolio planning and review