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Enrollment Policies


1) It is a requirement in the state of Tennessee that at least one parent/guardian has earned a high school diploma, GED, or equivalent credential to self-educate their students. As such, we are unable to accommodate families without one of these educational credentials.

2) Please contact us at if your student has any prior truancy, suspension, expulsion, or misdemeanor issues.  These are not necessarily grounds that would prohibit enrollment. However, such issues must be disclosed prior to submitting registration form/enrollment applications.


Failure to fully disclose these issues prior to enrollment may result in removal from the program.

In the registration process you will be asked to affirm the following policies:


  • CURRICULUM  I understand that curriculum research, planning, and implementation are the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility.

  • OTHER STATES  I understand that The Farm School does not claim that enrollment in this program meets the compulsory attendance and/or homeschool requirements for other countries, or states other than Tennessee.  It is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to satisfy the requirements of the state in which the student resides if they do not reside in Tennessee.

  • KINDERGARTEN  I understand that I should not enroll my child into Kindergarten unless they are 5 years of age by August 15 of the school year you are registering for. Please read our Kindergarten Guidelines and if you have any further questions feel free to email us.

  • JETER MEMO  I have read TCA 49-50-801 (church-related schools) and the Jeter Memo.

  • HOMESCHOOL vs SATELLITE  I understand that I am not enrolling my child in a homeschool program. My child will be enrolled as a student in a non-public church-related school, my home will be designated as a satellite campus of The Farm School, and that at least one parent/guardian will be appointed as a faculty member under the supervision of The Farm School’s administration.

  • IMMUNIZATIONS  As of the 23.24 school year, we are no longer required to have Immunizations or Exemptions on file.

  • PROOF OF GUARDIANSHIP  For each NEW student I am enrolling, a document showing proof of guardianship (such as a birth certificate, certificate of adoption, power of attorney, affidavit of guardianship) should be submitted with the student's enrollment application, or updated online after enrollment if it will not be included in the records transferred from prior school. (Returning students need only submit updated records if guardianship has changed since last submission.)

  • PREVIOUS HIGH SCHOOL TRANSCRIPTS  I understand that if I am enrolling a high school student who was previously a homeschooler, enrolled with another Umbrella, or does not otherwise have an official transcript, I will need to submit a transcript listing courses, grades, and credits earned (parent generated is acceptable) to after enrollment.

  • ACT, SAT, & SCHOLARSHIPS  I understand that parents/guardians and their high school students are responsible for scheduling ACT & SAT/PSAT tests (our test code is 432212), ensuring that the student earns the credits required for admission to his/her colleges of choice, and researching eligibility requirements for Tennessee lottery and other scholarships. High school enrollment fees are required to receive high school credit.

  • COUNTY REPORTING  I understand The Farm School Satellite Campuses Program will comply with the requirement of TCA 49-6-3007 and that the names, ages, and addresses of all pupils in attendance will be reported to the superintendent of the public school system in which the school is located.

  • PARENT/GUARDIAN CREDENTIALS  I understand that at least one parent/guardian should have a high school diploma, GED or equivalent. The act of submitting family registration and enrollment application is an affirmation that one parent has a high school diploma or GED or equivalent.

    • Failure to disclose via email lack thereof prior to enrollment will result in removal from the program. Please contact The Farm School Satellite Campuses Program at

  • TRUANCY, SUSPENSION, & EXPULSION  I understand that prior truancy, suspension, expulsion, or misdemeanor issues are not necessarily grounds that would prohibit enrollment, however, such issues must be disclosed prior to submitting registration form/enrollment applications to explore options.

    • Failure to fully disclose these issues prior to enrollment may result in removal from the program. Please contact The Farm School Satellite Campuses Program at You must email us prior to beginning the enrollment process and receive approval from us before you proceed with enrollment.

  • WHAT DO MY FEES COVER?  I understand that the registration and enrollment fees cover basic administrative processing & services, including online attendance & reporting. Additional fees may apply for services such as curriculum consultation, portfolio planning/review, and creation of transcript for credits prior to enrollment and transcript review as we are able to assist.

  • ATTENDANCE & REQUESTS  I understand that final attendance and grade/progress reports are due on or before June 30 each school year (or on/by withdrawal or graduation date), and requests for transcripts, proof of attendance for the Dept of Safety (to obtain Driver’s Learner Permit or Intermediate License), and diplomas are to be submitted online by the primary or secondary learning facilitator. The school year begins each year on or after July 1 and ends before or on June 30. One hundred eighty days of attendance per school year are required under Tennessee’s compulsory attendance law for minors 6-17 years old (inclusive).

  • DMV LETTERS  I have read the Driver’s License Information. I understand the program’s policy regarding requirements for proof of attendance & progress letters for the Dept. of Safety (in order to obtain Driver’s Learner Permit or Intermediate License).

  • AP, DE, & CLEP  I understand that I am required to show exam results and transcripts for AP, CLEP, and Dual Enrollment courses.

  • ENROLLMENT DATE  I understand that the family enrollment form and student registration applications will not be processed until both the family registration fee and student enrollment fees are received and cleared. The enrollment date will be the date fees are received. Registration & enrollment fees are not pro-rated or refundable.

  • TRANSFERRING OUT  I understand that students transferring from Tennessee Category IV schools (The Farm School is a Cat IV school) to a public school may be required to take placement tests to determine the student’s grade placement and confirm high school credits. See TCA 49-50-801 (Church-related schools) and the Jeter Memo.

  • CUSTODY & EDUCATIONAL RIGHTS  I affirm that I have legal custody and educational rights for the student(s) for whom I am submitting enrollment application(s).

You will also be prompted to subscribe to our Facebook group: TFS-SCP – Facebook (optional)

If you have any questions about the enrollment policies detailed here please contact The Farm School Satellite Program Office at
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