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TN State Standards

Viewing the state standards online can be rather confusing. We have separated each standard by grade level to help you to better absorb its contents. We have also added grade book functionality to each section as well just in case that works for you. We know that finding the right curriculum for you and your kiddo(s) can be challenging. We believe the below sheets are a great resource for you to use as a guide as you create your learning plan.


Please use the links below to access the standards corresponding with the grade level of your student. An Excel sheet (.xlsx file) will automatically download once you click on it.


Kindergarten TN Standards 2021

1st Grade TN Standards 2021

2nd Grade TN Standards 2021

3rd Grade TN Standards 2021

4th Grade TN Standards 2021

5th Grade TN Standards 2021

6th Grade TN Standards 2021

7th Grade TN Standards 2021

8th Grade TN Standards 2021


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